Janneke's in New Orleans at a conference, so as of Thursday afternoon, it's just been us mice. I picked them up early and took them both in to T' tumbling lesson, at which Q was free to go bounce his soccer ball in the adjacent gym. Though he wound up mostly watching T do her thing. Home again, supper of leftovers, and to bed. One down, two to go.
Friday I woke up to find T snoozing next to me in bed. Strange ocurrence, that - she just about never does anything like that. I had to chuckle - she's definitely got moxie. None of this asking permission stuff. In I hop. If she did such things all the time, I'd probably find them a lot less cute. But every so often is a nice change of pace.
Up and to breakfast, and then Q out the door, lunch packed, for his 8:15 bus. And T off to daycare. Morning done.
Errands, chores, and projects all day. And then to pick up the wee ones.
Wound up with Owen in the house for pizza and movie night, as his mom had needed to stay with her horse until the vet came. Watched "The Secret of NIMH", which had the kids laser-beam focused throughout. Pizza from the Cozy Corner, which is quite good, and into the bath tub when Owen went home. I vacuumed while they splashed in the water, and then stories and to bed. Where T insisted on being allowed to read, as she was not sleepy, and before I knew it, she had been doing it for over an hour. So she didn't get to sleep until near 10:00. Not letting that happen again. Two down, one to go.
Caretaker Farm in the morning. (I always hope to see Don and Bridget, the farmers, but if I don't, I feel bad about going to knock on the door and bother them. I figure if they don't come out, they probably prefer to be left alone. So I didn't see them. By the way, if you're interested in knowing what Don looks like, go look up Tony Romo. They're the same person.) Got some collared greens, brussel sprouts, potatoes, and carrots. Then off to Green River Farms to order our Thanksgiving turkey, and to buy some chicken and milk. Home for lunch. Q had a mid-afternoon social engagement, about which I had forgotten, which made for a lot of tears when I had to go back on the OK I had given to going ice skating this afternoon. Especially because tomorrow we won't be able to, what with a birthday party and riding lessons. But Q left pretty happily for his engagement today, leaving me and T to take a walk in the woods up at the Mountain Meadow preserve. Hobie went along. Big fun in the chill - T' nose turns instantly red when the temperature drops. I mean, within two minutes of walking out the door. It's a very sensitive thermometer.
Supper: Chicken breast, sauteed in olive oil and some chopped-up peppers I found in the fridge, with pasta and broccoli. Once the pasta had cooked, I tossed it in the pan with the leftover oil and grease from the chicken and peppers and let it toast and become golden a bit in the pan before stirring it back into the pot where it had cooked with butter and cheese, and then served it. And I have to admit, it was a big, big hit. In fact, I think I should have used more peppers.
Post-supper: Talk about animals, Q's favorite pastime, followed by Twister. And it can be pretty intimidating, let me tell you:

That liquid on T' shirt? That's right: Blood. And you know what? It's not hers. No, no, Mami, reading this in an airport somewhere: it's juice. And yes, it's been there all day. So no, it's not coming out. Anyway, we finished Twister with no major injries. Although they were so revved up afterwards when I was trying to get them to clean up a bit, that they started screeching and chasing each other around the house, ignoring, in a playful but absolutely maddening way, my increasingly insistent demands that they stop. Which got too loud, which brought some tears, which brought some apologies, from both sides. I think we're OK now. Kids are in bed, having read, and T is asleep not twenty minutes after crying because I refused to let her stay up and read.
Three down. If both I and the other two mice can make it to 3:00 or 4:00 alive tomorrow, we will have accomplished a very great feat indeed. Because we've still got a birthday party and riding lessons to go.
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