Stopped for some fuel on the way to school today, and saw Ben, colleague who also commutes down from Williamstown. He told me Lenox had called around 6:30, after I'd left, to say that school would be let out early, at 11:00. (His wife had called him on the cell phone to let him know.) So I taught a few classes, wrote some emails, and then headed out into the storm. Shopped a bit for Christmas gifts, and then went home, where Janneke and the kids were warmly ensconced. We did some shoveling - I'd rather shovel three inches three times than nine inches once - and then settled in for some coziness. Observe:
T clears a path to the garage.
We warm up in the house afterward. Hobie the noble steed receives some lovin'.
And here's Coach Q, playing out a slow-motion football game with his beanie babies:
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