Joe: Coyote was a popular attempt, but some others opted for a badger. Janneke has come up with one that seems to be a compromise between the two: A bull terrier.
Janneke: Ermine. Otter and mink were also considered.
Brad: Otter. Though Mark thought "Spider monkey", for many of the same reasons as were argued in support of the otter.
Betsy: Ocelot.
Mark: Fox.
Ronadh: Kingfisher or raven. Janneke thinks kingfisher. I say raven. Ronadh agrees with me.
My dad: Coyote. Definitely.
Janneke's mom: A terrier of some sort. I like the thought of a fox terrier.
Hobie: Tough call. I mean, a dog doesn't really have depths of personality that could be revealed by an animal companion. He is his own daemon. I kind of like that -I get a chuckle out of the thought of Hobie being accompanied by another Hobie, each of them looking to the other for advice, immediately agreeing. "Right. Stare at the dinner table. Got it."
Further ideas and commentary on these choices are encouraged. Post in comments or send me an email.
In other news: Our friend Chris and her son Sam came over for brunch today. Here the kids all are, playing with the Brio train set that Q got for Christmas a thousand years ago:
We refer to him as "Samuelito" when talking at home, and of course T, a native speaker and all, says it with a perfect accent. But when she's talking to Sam, in English, she says, "Hey, Sam-Well-Eat-Toe", sounding like the most disinterested and untalented first-semester Spanish student you've ever heard. Bilingualism: It's weird.
T got a new tumbling leotard for Christmas from Auntie Jayne and Grandpa, and tried it out for the first time on Thursday:
And T and Q went to Owen's birthday party at the Y, where swag was given out. Here's T playing with some of it - a Connect 4 game, which, if you look at the arrangement of the disks she's putting in, kind of escapes her. But her concentration is top-notch, and you can see her calling out "Tu turno!" after dropping one in. She knew it was a game - just didn't know what the object was.
While watching the football game yesterday ("Which football game?", you say, innocently. I give you a long, scornful look, turn back to the rest of the readership, and say, "ANY-way..."), I screamed so loud after Ryan Grant's second fumble ("Who's Ryan Grant?", you say, bouncing up and down and waving your hand back and forth. I pause, shake my head almost impercebtibly, roll my eyes, cough, and turn even further away from you), that Hobie emerged from the bedroom trembling so bad he could hardly walk. I cuddled and comforted him all the way to halftime, but he never stopped shaking. A good long halftime walk calmed him down, though, and then he slept through most of the second half, still lying close to me and being petted, worn completely out, emotionally exhausted. I tell you, it's tough, living with me. Just ask Janneke.
And ask her who Ryan Grant is, why don't you. 'Cuz I am DONE with you on that subject.
Things I learned tonight while walking the dog: (1): There is a skunk in our neighborhood the size of a Rottweiler. I smelled it when we walked out the door, and could smell it for every step of our twenty-minute round-the-block walk. And (2): If Hobie had an Indian name, it would be "Poops Twice".
Mine would be "Carries One Poop Bag".
That's all you're going to give on Ryan Grant. Come on! He's the reason ya'all are in the position you're in. Seeing him fumble twice reminded me of the 2003 AFC Divisional Series, the year the Chiefs went 13-3 on the tails of Priest Holmes, who was the center of the Fantasy Football universe. Playing against the Colts at Arrowhead, not a single punt was issued in the game. We're talking a lot of offense . . . and on a breakaway run in the fourth quarter (he had just scampered 35+ yards) Priest had the ball knocked out of his arms. Until that moment Priest hadn't fumbled all season. And that was the play that made the difference . . . the Chiefs lost a possession and the Colts advanced.
Wait, what were we talking about here? Oh, yeah, Grant. Can't you give the kid props for picking up the pieces and playing a heck of a game. I mean, he had 3 rushing TDs. . . and decimated the 'Hawks.
And while we're at it, on the daemon front, Tassia will take a momma fox, and I'll have a sea otter, thank you very much.
You are utterly right. I should not have left Ryan Grant in that state, rhetorically speaking. He recovered like no one I've ever seen recover. Man, this squad has its head on straight - This is a deep, young, well-coached, resilient team. If anybody's going to beat the Patriots, I think it's going to be these guys.
I love the daemon ideas. The sea otter is very apt indeed.
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