here's some dang photos, since I really don't have too much time:
Three-quarters of the previously-living Johnson-side cousins gather to welcome Finley, the latest and greatest.
T does her bit to do so personally, one-on-one.
And then Q. Mano a mano.
Don't think Big Brother doesn't want some of that.
And here's yet another for the album cover twelve years from now: Lice treatment a-go-go. Tell me they don't look sensitive and impassioned, yet somehow disinterested and perhaps a bit snarky. Just like true rockers ought to look.
Quick Hits: Q scored a goal the other day and was fired-up and snappy for about 30% of the game. the other 70%, he was his somewhat drugged-looking pseudo-self. And as far as he knew, I wasn't there. So maybe it isn't all me. Though he may have noticed a green Subaru Legacy just on the other side of the chain link fence, where a bearded man watched through binoculars and hoped fervently that there weren't any cops watching. But in a good way.
Q cracked open a new toothbrush the other day because he'd left his old one at Henry's house on a sleepover. You hit the button on the end of this new one and blinky lights go crazy for a full minute, serving as a timer. T thought this was brilliant, so she said:
"Can I use Q's toothbrush?"
"No, T, of course not. You can never use someone else's toothbrush."
"But his is cool, and mine isn't, and it isn't fair!"
"Well, that's just the way it is sometimes. There's nothing we can really do right now."
"How about this: I use mine to brush my teeth, but I just hit the button and watch Q's toothbrush to know how long to brush?"
She is a f___ing genius.
3/4 of the Johnson cousins gathered. I assume you were reflecting my unfertilized ova in that statement!
Q, T, L, Jack...I think...
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