Saturday, September 19, 2009

Long Time, No Screed

Hey, man - How the hell are you! Sorry I ain't rapped at you for a while, but the Man here's been busy. Kids are well, as you'll soon see; wifey's fine, my own health's good. Summer ended, school started, and T became a kindergartener! It's all been very exciting, and I swear, I'll be telling you most of what's worth telling in the coming hours. But first, let's just pop the latest in video memories at you here. Now, this isn't much - a long video about T's first soccer practice and Q's first game of the fall season. No big deal. But they're the only one I can put up right now - my time video-wise has been taken up principally with a movie about last April's trip to Gays Mills. It's about an hour long, and is absolutely epic. Train travel! 4-wheelin'! Train travel...! And not that much else, really. But there's a lot of each of those things.

All right, with no further ado, here's Part 1 and Part 2 of the soccer video. Batten down the hatches.

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