Monday, May 7, 2012

Resuming Production....Now.

Wow…It has been a long, long time. What the frig? The explanation, turns out, is simple: All my computer-based family-update time has been dominated by Facebook now for…Jesus – Years? Could well be. And the thing that got me back to doing this, was that Autie Jayne came out to see Quinn (and Tess!) in “Aladdin”. And T had had some stitches on her face while we were out in Wisconsin, and she and Auntie Jayne had agreed to use their emergency room visit as grist for the presentation to the class that Auntie Jayne had already agreed to give, and Jayne wanted to also show the photo from T’s first ER visit, which was the one with the lego in the nose, so I googled the photo, knowing it would show up on an old blog post. And up it popped, and suddenly I couldn’t stop reading, and all this stuff came back to me – the many, many details I had recorded back then for the blog, and that were preserved because of it. And what do I have to show for all that Facebook time? Zilch. Could this be the end of Facebook? Man, let’s hope so. It’s pretty late now, and I’m not sure I’ll do much more than pop this “watch this space” blurb onto the blog – whose password I’m not entirely sure I can recall – but I do want to start doing it again. Be warned: There will be postings here again. It is a worthy way to spend my time.

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