You're wrong.
"Umm...Kind of...?"
Try again!
"Er...OK: No."
Man, you are just a @#@$(*&! idiot.
YES! She got tenure! Announced unto her at a dinner she was attending - an invitaion-from-a-student-only affair on campus, for which she had to get kind of dressed up. And it's cold lately, so she went swaddled in her black cape, which so few people can pull off, but which she makes look easy. And which, coincidentally, she had worn on her trip out here to interview a lifetime ago, when we only had one child, and that child had no control over when or how he pooped. So she was at this dinner, and was supposed to come back so I could leave at 7:45 to go watch the Packers at the 1896 house. But she was a few minutes late, and when she walked in, she said, "I'm sorry I'm late, sweetie. But I had a good reason." And she threw open her cape and held aloft a bottle of champagne. "I got tenure!" T and Q came charging out of their bedrooms in various states of undress (the process of putting on the pajamas had recently begun), smiling, and wanted to know what the excitement was all about. We tried to explain, but it didn't really seem to register too well - we finally settled for, "We don't ever have to leave Williamstown!" And T turned and ran her bare bottom back into her room, then came out with her toy trumpet, pointed it at the ceiling, and blasted her jubilation to the world. It was way cool.
So Leila, our friend who's on the CAP (CAP stands for Tenure-Determining Comittee), had taken her aside at the dinner, saying that Julie, Janneke's colleague and current chair of the department, had some news for her. And they whipped out the aforementioned bottle of champagne.
So flash back to the moment when she came home and held aloft her bottle victoriously. I was so happy I delayed for another four, maybe five minutes - Up to six, possibly - my departure to go watch the game. Hey, I offered to stay. But I was supposed to be meeting two people there...It wouldn' have been right. So I took one for the team.
OK, I know, I hear the boos: I should have stayed. But Janneke insisted I go, and besides, I got my just desserts. Green Bay lost.
Celebrations have ensued. Little photographic evidence exists. We'll have to provide you with evidence from other events.
Traditions again: Charlie Brown Christmas.

Q constructed this monster last weekend. It's some 18 inches tall.

Haircut - lopped off most of what was left of the Puerto Rican bleach job. This photo taken moments after getting home - he had run, literally, to the piano to play around.

Christmas Tree One

Christmas Tree Two

T is inspired and asks for help...

...imitating the tree.
Congrats to Janneke! That is FAN-TAST-IC news. And something tells me that if you had stuck around that night, Joe, Farve would've finished that game with a bang. . .
Call me a blasphemer, but I had a lot more fun watching Aaron Rodgers. The kid can play.
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