Didn't really matter, because Q was there, and T woke up soon thereafter, so we all hung out there a while and giggled about the weather.
Kids off to school, Mom off to work, me back to the ranch for some snoozin' and exercisin'. Good times, good times.
The kids' daycare was closed early due to the weather (freezing rain), so I had to pick them up around 1:00. Brought Owen home with Q so they could entertain each other.
Which they did until 4:00, when I left for an appointment. And when I got back at 5:00, preparations had been made:
And when I opened the door, they unleashed Hell:
It was a birthday ambush never to be forgotten. All Q's idea, from what I understand - T had been struggling mightily for a few days to keep the secret. I had heard her mention some balls that would be thrown, but hadn't put it all together yet. Thought maybe Janneke had gotten us all seats for Cirque du Soleil. I'm actually pretty glad to be disappointed on that one.
Q passed the time between ambush and supper running imaginary screen passes for touchdowns, unlike a certain football team I know, whose schedule is wiiiide open on Sunday:
Movie night ("Because of Winn Dixie"), halfway through which we stopped to eat birthday cake. T, of course, as she does with most things in life, found a way to be terrified:
Now I settle in for some bloggin' and, hopefully, if I play my cards right, I can celebrate my not-quite-completely-over-the-rear-horizon youth by partaking in my favorite Friday night pastime: Early bedtime.
Long live rock.
By the way - regarding daemons:
FYI: I checked out my daemon and Janneke and I share the same one.
Brad did it, too, and his was a tiger as well. Common as mud. Ronadh was an ocelot - leading me to believe that the deck is stacked in favor of felines.
My daemon is named Andreas, but it's the same animal and Janneke's.
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