Yuri and Boris needed to buy a washing machine. "We shall ask the women their council", said Boris. "Verily," said Yuri.
Meanwhile, the women - Katiushka, Svetlana and Geraldine - were skipping rope in the forest. "Huzzah!", they said. "Huzzah, and hark! Here come the men-folk!"
Having spoken with the men, they ran to see Wise Olaf the Norwegian. "Where can we find an affordable washing machine for our beloved menfolk, o sage of the fjords? For, lo: Their breeches are filthy!"
The question so puzzled Wise Olaf, that he fell totally silent in deepest thought, and remained so for three whole days.
Finally, a stone dropped from the moon and struck him on the shoulder - whereupon he turned into a cat and devoured Yuri and Boris alive, to punish them for their impertinence.
Or something like that.
In other news, Q is at least as fascinated with the new piano as he used to be with the electric keyboard Janneke had had for decades. He seems to like the much richer and more powerful sound enough to offset the strange inability this one has with regard to becoming a harpsicord or a Supertramp-type electric piano. Here he is, enjoying it:
The man who might give him lessons is still considering it. We're very hopeful.
Having a hard time sleeping lately, nervous as I am about my upcoming trip to Ecuador with 11 students and 2 adult chaperones (excluding myself). It's excitement, it's that nameless, empty worry that there MUST be something you've forgotten to do. But no - the bus is paid for, the plane tickets are paid for, the hotels are reserved, students have signed all their forms and turned in all their money...I didn't sleep until 3:00 last night. Perhaps some ping pong will put me in the right frame of mind. Worth a try. I will leave you with some stirring footage from tumbling.
Maybe it's just me, but is there a bit of Betty Rubble/Wilma Flintstone hand action happening when Tess the Bold runs away from the camera? Take a second look and you'll see what I mean.
When are you going to Ecuador?
Going to Ecuador a week from today! That's why I can't sleep lately, I think. Getting nervous.
I'll re-watch Tess in a minute here, but I remember there was something quite odd about the way she ran away. I think you've bull's-eyed it.
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