Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Birthday Video

Hey - Here's a video of T's skating birthday party from this past April. I'm not sure why it's so herky-jerky on my computer - maybe those of you out there with better computers and better connections can actually watch it and have it not look like a slide show. Who knows. But here it is:

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Sunday, October 4, 2009


This time, WITH audio!

Saturday, October 3, 2009


Well, visual, anyway. Some things to look at for those of you who are into eye-candy:

T, wearing a dress that originally belonged to her cousin Natasha, now a glamorous law student in Geneva. T stands a good chance of being just as glamorous. But probably not quite as tall.

Hand-picked by yours truly, the better half, and the pups. Absolutely bursting with deliciousness. Some of them, I whisper to you slowly, are Macouns.

And here, T shows her range as an actress - Here, her motivation is that she's just been reminded of her new puppy.

Which is dead.

Because of you.

Me, personally? I want this one to be her passport photo.