Saturday, December 20, 2008

Adventures in Moving Pictures

So our friend Brad, the choir director at Williams, is starting a very nifty project, and, inspired by the emails we used to get as supporters of Barack Obama, in which there would be a video of the higher-ups in the campaign, he decided to make a video that he could embed in an email and send out to potential donors. He asked me to help him, and we brainstormed, shot script ideas back and forth, did some practice runs, and then sat down and filmed the $@!@#$(*^ thing. Brad then edited it together, and the result is linked below for your perusal. And i think it came out absolutely fabulous. Once the rubber hit the road, I ran the camera and flipped the cue cards, while Brad made the magic happen. Check it out, it's way cool:

My vacation started early on Friday. Snow day! Even though the snow didn't actually start falling until nearly noon, our beloved and exceedingly wise superintendent pulled the trigger and took no chances, forcing us to stay home for all of Friday. It was grand.

Today was grand too, though I did not get out and hunt. I'm feeling a little sickly again - nasal stuff this time. Not sure what to think. So I stayed in and rested. The snow has been glorious - we did quite a bit of video shooting yesterday and today, so hopefully I'll be able to get that up on here before too long. Been clearing some old projects out of the way - the video for Quinn's birthday, and another that's basically odds and ends from the summer that don't coalesce by themselves into a form that makes for a compelling narrative, but which I've concocted into a stew that might still be satisfying.

There - I did it! Here's Part 1:

And here's Part 2:

Q had his friend O over today, and they spent 90% of their time outside building a snow fort. There was this whole narrative going on of how they would defend themselves against "bullies" (I'm picturing thickset kids from 1935 with plugs of tabacky and slouch caps, slingshots poking out of their back pockets, the whole nine yards). It was cold out, too - never got above 19 degrees today. But through the miracle of snow pants, they were able to stay out the whole time. T went out for a good amount of the day as well, and they played with her beautifully - Y'know, he was here for hours, had lunch with us, and never, not once, was there a squabble, not only between O and Q, but among the three of them. They never got impatient with her, she never felt ignored...What a successful interaction.

O's Dad came and took him skiing at 4:30 or so, and we settled in for some video-watchin' (the video I may or may not get up tonight) and shower-takin' before supper, since after supper we were scheduled to go to our friend Ed's house, because Ed got tenure! (As did Nicole across the street - one of Rafi and Luca's moms!) He had us over for desserts and "grapa", an Italian licqueure (the computer tells me that's spelled wrong, but I forge bravely ahead, since most of the letters there look like they shouldn't be there, but I know that they're not all wrong, and so I'm paralyzed). It was very nice - the kids all sat and watched "The Wizard of Oz", thus enabling Janneke to keep the promise she had made T - that they would watch it tonight on TV, as it was to be broadcast.

T made Christmas cookies with Janneke today, and that's also in the video pipeline...Y'know, I should probably get my act together and start cooking up these videos rather than sit here and describe them to you. I got this one up - I'm on vacation, I can do the others too. Shouldn't take too long, provided I don't do any household chores. (Don't tell Janneke.)


Jayne Swiggum said...

When Quinn is napping on the couch, he has his left hand pressed against his left cheek which is EXACTLY how I sleep. Do you sleep like that, too? The Tessie arm drop: we often "test" people to see if they are really unconscious (like after a seizure, which many, MANY people fake) by raising their hand above their face and dropping it. If it does NOT hit them in the face, they are fakers! I was glad to see that you didn't do the face drop with Tessie!

mungaboo said...

Indeed I do sleep like that. And no, I have never done the face drop - though now the temptation to do so will be almost irresistible. (Relax. I said "almost".)