Sunday, February 15, 2009

Outpourings of Affection

Maybe it's because she's no longer peeing all over the house and reminding me what the place smelled like when we first moved in. Maybe it's because she's spending so much of her time cuddled up to my kids. Or maybe it's just the meth talkin'. No matter the reason, I am in Skittles ga-ga mode. As evidenced by the following explosion of Skittles-related media:

"T and Skittles: A Love Story."

"A Weird Love Story."

"Like, 'Disturbing'-Weird."

Speaking of weird love stories...

Not Skittles-related, but cool: The kids' ski cards.


Jayne Swiggum said...

Perhaps the boy on the Twister mat should be allowed to run away and join the circus -- contortionists are hard to come by.

mungaboo said...

That's O, Mark and Ronadh's son. And, not to pop your balloon, but...those are Q's legs. (Which you no doubt knew.)

Jayne Swiggum said...

Yes, I realized those weren't Owen's leg. It was supposed to be funny.