Thursday, February 19, 2009

New movie release

Hey, folks - Well, I finally got enough time to put together a little video I've been thinking about for a while. Here it is:

For the longest time, imovie wouldn't let me watch the video accurately while the music was playing. So I had to do some work-arounds, and today finally had the time to do it. After playing the guitar, changing the strings, shoveling the deck, staring out the window, and playing with the cat. I'm amazed I worked all that in today.

I dang near went skiing, but the thought of doing so all by myself felt kind of icky. Despite last night's fresh snow. I was already a little iffy about dumping the kids in daycare for the day - they didn't want to go, and I didn't have any specific and compelling reason why they couldn't stay home with me. Except that I just wanted to putter around by myself, which I couldn't really tell them. So I said I had to do some work.

To which Q responded, "Papi, cual es mas importante: Tu trabajo, o pasar tiempo con tus hijos?"

OK: He's officially too smart. I'm going to have to do some research on what toys dull kids' minds and go buy him some.

Perhaps I'll write more later - not so much more to say right now...I'm off!

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